Moolya launches on-the-move app testing platform

Moolya Software has launched on-the-move app testing to help customers get their apps tested “On the Move” and in real conditions. Also powered by products like App Achhi giving instant reports – the combination of service is very valuable to start-ups and enterprises that look to take their testing the start-up way.

On the occasion of the launch, Managing Director of Moolya, Pradeep Soundararajan, talked about the problems with enterprise testing and their problems moving to faster testing approach in an ever shrinking time world of agile and faster development cycles.

Pradeep said, “Moolya having worked with 100+ start-ups and bringing the start-up way of testing to enterprises – we have seen how enterprises too can move as fast as start-ups. As a matter of fact – many enterprises we have worked with are forming smaller business units and calling them start-ups within large enterprises and hence they need a testing that moves as fast”

Moolya is a test partner to top start-ups such as Flipkart, PayTM, Ola, Snapdeal, Urban Ladder, Novopay and many others. Moolya has brought this agility to large enterprises like MindTree, consulting them to be more agile so that their adaption to faster testing approaches helps their enterprise customers.