Downfall of Vine; Another social media star to go down!

In a major move, Twitter has decided to shut down Vine, one of the most celebrated application it bought for $30 million in 2012. The startup quickly became Internet’s most premier tool for making short 6 second videos as a way for people to share their casual moments. However, all the experimentation came to an end when Twitter confirmed that it would shut down Vine’s mobile app in the coming months. While Vine once was a darling of the social media video sharing platform, it lost its ground to competitors fairly quickly as it failed to add more features to its platform. While Instagram and Snapchat were quick to offer 15 second and 10 second video clip sharing feature respectively with added features, Vine stuck to its 6 second limit till late last year during which it lost some of its most popular starts.

During early 2016, Twitter explored the idea of merging Vine’s video offering with its own application, but it never materialized. The firm also tried its hand in selling the app to potential customers, however, it never found a suitable buyer.

The watershed moment for the application was when its most popular stars started to prioritize other platforms over Vine. They still post their work on Vine, but have much bigger following on platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and others.

Though the Vine users are given ample time to download and store their Vines locally before the firm shuts down the application, apparently the time has run out for the service.

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